This project is designed to introduce the techniques of plant transformation and the use of reporter genes to externally monitor the patterns or timing of expression of a gene. 



Genetic transformation

Transformation is the introduction of DNA representing a cloned gene into a cell so that it expresses the protein encoded by the gene. Although the physical insertion of DNA into a cell’s nucleus is straightforward, the expression of proteins encoded by that DNA that is not part of a chromosome is often only transient. Introduced DNA that is inserted into one of the chromosomes will be passed during mitosis to all subsequent daughter cells. It is this “stable” transformation that will allow one to introduce one copy of DNA into one cell, and then allow the one transformed cell to regenerate a complete organism, where each cell contains a copy of that introduced DNA. The manipulation of an organisms DNA by transformation allows unparalleled ability to determine the function of a gene from levels of cell function, to organismal physiology to ecological roles. It also provides a way to dissect the functional significance of parts of the gene or specific amino acid residues of the resulting protein. Transformation additionally allows the engineering of plants or animals to produce novel proteins or specifically remove expression of certain proteins.

There are a number of ways that cloned DNA can be physically introduced into a cell. DNA can be micro-injected into cells, or shot into the cell on the surface of microprojectiles, or enter through holes in the cell membrane induced by a strong electric current.  Drosophila and C. elegans are usually transformed through microinjection. Plant transformation can take advantage of a plant pathogenic bacteria (Agrobacterium tumifaciens) that move DNA from a plasmid it carries into plant cells as part of its life cycle (this is described at The mechanisms of this movement will be discussed in class. However, it is possible to manipulate the plasmid such that a gene of interest is placed into the plasmid in Agrobacterium so that the bacteria will introduce this DNA into a plant cell. 

To transform most plants using Agrobacterium, a single plant cell that has received the new DNA from the bacteria has to be regenerated into a whole plant. This process involves the culturing of the transformed cell to provide replication of that cell. Levels of plant hormones can be manipulated to cause this mass of cells to form roots and shoots of a regenerated plant.This process can take weeks and the details vary from plant to plant. For Arabidospsis, an alternate method has been developed- called dip infiltration. In this method, Agrobacterium carrying the modified plasmid is introduced into the whole plant by submerging the plant in a bacterial solution. Applying a vacuum can help force the bacterial solution into the inner air spaces between plant cells, but this was found to be not necessary. Agrobacterium will move the DNA from its plasmid into many of these cells in the plant. Some of these transformed cells will be used to make the flowers of the plant, including the pollen and ovules. With the self-fertilization possible in Arabidodpis, seeds produced from these flowers will have the introduced gene at a low rate.

The major technical problem of transformation, regardless of the method used, is the low frequency at which it occurs. Only a small fraction of cells where the DNA has entered the nucleus does the DNA get spliced into a chromosome. Thus, one needs a way of identifying those cells or plants that contain the introduce DNA. Usually, one gene included in the introduced DNA is a selectable marker gene - for example a gene that confers resistance against a chemical that kills normal plant cells (antibiotic inbroader sense). Kanamycin is one such antibiotic that kills plant cells. Including a kanamycin resistance gene along with a gene of interest in the Agrobacterium vector allows one to select transformed plants by growing them on kanamycin. Only transformed plants will survive since they express the introduced kanamycin resistance gene. For the Agrobacterium infiltration method, the seed from the infiltrated plants are plated on agar containing kanamycin – the low number of plants containing the introduced DNA will germinate and grow on these plates.

  We will use transformation to determine the function of genes through reverse genetics. The cloned genes we will use are members of moderate to large gene families in Arabidopsis. The encoded sequence of the genes clearly suggest the molecular function by the presence of conserved protein motifs. One gene is a cellulase that digests the cellulose in the cell walls of plants. Arabidopsis has more than 12 cellulase genes. Another three genes we will study are myb DNA binding proteins. Arabidopsis has 125 myb genes that are expected to act as transcription factors. A fifth gene we will study is a homeodomain protein also expected to be a DNA-binding transcription factor. Although the biochemical activity can be predicted from the sequence, the function of these genes would not be predictable from the sequence. To determine the process in which these genes function, we will transform modified versions of theses genes into Arabidopsis and determine how the phenotype of the plant changes. This change in phenotype can then be linked to the function of the genes.

Reporter genes

Arabidopsis contains nearly 26,000 genes. Some of these genes are expressed at most times in every cell. However, the majority of genes are only expressed in certain organs of the plant, either causing that organ to be different than other organs, or adding function to that organ. Further, many genes are only expressed under certain developmental or environmental conditions, in response to internal or external cues. Since the expression of genes is often regulated by transcription, the promoter (section of DNA preceding the coding region), will contain the information that allows the gene to be turned on or off in different organs or in response to cues. The Cauliflower mosaic virus  (CaMV)35S promoter is one of the few plant promoters that is expressed in most every tissue at all times, called constitutive. 

An important clue to the function of a gene  is to determine where and when it is expressed. If it is expressed only in flower stamens, then it is apparent that it has some role in male gamete formation or stamen development. If it is only expressed under certain conditions, such as after exposure to damaging UV light, it would be apparent that the gene has a role in responding to such stress or repair. There are several ways of determining where and when a particular gene is expressed in a plant. One way is to use hybridization to detect the amount of mRNA corresponding to a cloned gene in samples from different parts of a plant, sampled after different treatments of the plant. This approach is quantitative but is time-consuming and provides only as much time or organ resolution as the researcher has patience for separating different parts of many plants to gather sufficient quantities of mRNA samples. Another approach is the use a reporter gene. A reporter gene produces a protein that is easily detectable in transformed organisms. Often, the protein possesses an enzymatic activity that can turn a colorless substrate into a colored product. Thus, one can see the location and amount of gene expression in a transformed organism by looking at the location and intensity of the colored product . The b-galactosidase (lacZ) and b-glucuronidase (GUS) genes are two examples of these reporter genes. When the reporter gene is fused to the promoter of the gene of interest, the reporter gene will be expressed only at the times and locations where that gene is expressed since the promoter often determines transcription. This provides a method to detect a very limited expression of a gene, such as in small patches of cells (like root tips or pollen) or at certain times (such as after a certain stress or hormone treatment).

An important property of reporter genes is that their activity is absent in the organism in which they will be used. Both lacZ and GUS are genes from E. coli. Plants posses some LacZ activity, and so it is difficult to use it as a reporter gene because one doesn’t know if the b-galactosidase staining if from the introduced gene or the native plant gene. In contrast, GUS activity is normally very low in plants, and so is a common reporter gene used in plant studies. Genes we will use promoters from for GUS fusions are:
cellulase -AT1G64390
Homeodomain -AT1G79840.1

Gene Overexpression

Another method of determining a gene's function is to either mutate it so that it is not expressed, or cause it to be overexpressed. Either should perturb the process in which it participates and cause a change in phenotype. Gene disruption can utilize transformation. However, redundancy in Arabidopsis genes can compensate for the loss and phenoype changes can be too subtle to detect. Overexpression of the gene offers fewer complications. The coding region of the gene is fused to the constituitive CaMV 35S promoter by manipulating the DNA sequences in E. coli. We will introduce these DNA constructs into Arabidopsis through Agrobacterium and look for a change in the phenotype of the plant. An alterered phenotype should result from overexpression of the gene and so should be related to the function of the gene.


Transformation 1: Transformation of Arabidosis plants

Students will use receive a culture of Agrobacterium that carries recombinant DNA.This culture will be used for infiltration to transform wild-type Arabidopsis. Two forms of recombinant DNA will be used, both containing a GUS reporter gene but it is fused to different promoters.

Read instructions:Transformation of Arabidopsis with infiltration

Web Resources:

Description of agrobacterium transformation:

Use of reporter genes:

Full Transformation protocol:

Questions to consider:

When do you think the DNA is moved from Agrobacterium to a plant cell in this process?

Although this may occur in multiple cells, most will not matter. What is the one cell that will matter when it receives the DNA so that the gene is passed onto the seeds?


Transformation 2: Collection and planting of T1 seeds onto selective media

Students will collect the seed from the transformed plants in lab 16 and let them dry one week.In this lab, sterilize them and plant them onto kanamycin-containing agar medium.This will provide a selection such that only transformed plants will grow.

Read instructions: Selection of transformed Arabidopsis seedlings

Questions to consider:

A concern about transformed plants is that kanamycin resistance is passed into the plant as well.What would you need to do if you did not have a kanamycin-resistance gene in the transforming DNA along with the reporter gene?

Web resources: 

Picture of kanamycin selection:

                Questions to consider:                     
What frequency does a transformed seed appear in all seed from infiltrated plants?

Transformation 3: GUS staining of transformed plants

The seedlings grown under inducing and non-inducing conditions will be stained with X-Gluc, a histochemical stain for GUS activity.Patterns of staining will be observed in lab 24.

Read instructions: GUS staining

Web resources: 
X-gluc reaction:

Sample patterns of GUS expression in promoter trap lines: Patterns


Questions to consider:

What tissues do you see staining in for each plasmid- is there tissue specificity?  Is this consistent among all plants carrying the same construct? What may be the cause of inconsistency?

Does the pattern or intensity of blue color change with time?

Are there any tissues excluded from staining? Could this be due to reasons other than the lack of promoter activity in these?

What is the implication about function of these genes used with the reporter genes?

What has changed in the plants in which we overexpressed the two transcription factors? What process might these transcription factors control?


Transformation of Arabidopsis by Infiltration

1. Plant preparation. Arabidopsis seeds are planted on top of cheese cloth held on top of soilless mix in a pot. Plants have been grown already under a day/night period and at a low density so as to create healthy plant. Plants need to have bolted.These primary bolts are removed so that a secondary bolt has developed. Infiltration is done 3-5 days after clipping.

2. Bacterial preparation. Two Agrobacterium strains have been grown, each carries a different plasmid.Liquid cultures (300 mls) of each have been grown.

3. Centrifuge the cells in centrifuge bottles in the GSA rotor of the Sorvall centrifuge.Balance the bottles and spin at 5,000 rpm for 15 min. Pour off the supernatant and resuspend the cells in 500 ml of IM medium, pipetting up and down with a pipette.

4. Invert the pot over a dish.Pour the bacteria solution into the dish so that the bolts are immersed. Let sit for 5 minutes.

5. Remove the plant from the dish and let it sit on its side in a tray over a paper towel so let excess solution fall off. Place a plastic dome over the reclining plants. This will be removed after 24 hours and the plants will be set upright.

6. The plants will be grown for 3-4 weeks when the seeds will be collected.

Selection of transformed arabidosis seeds

1. Collect seed and weigh 0.1 gm of seed into a 15 ml sterile test tube. 

2. Add 10 mls of 70% ethanol and shake for 20 min

3. Decant off ethanol, add 10 mls 0.5% Tween, remove, wash with 10 mls sterile distilled water.

4.Add to 8 mls of 1% Agar.

5. Sow 5000 seeds under sterile conditions on a 150x15 mm petri plate containing the kanamycin selective MS medium.Close the dishes with only 2 pieces of adhesive tape to prevent high levels of humidity.

6. Place the dishes at 4°C for 2 days.

7. Transfer the trays to the light rack- preferably a higher shelf with warmer temperatures..

8. Transformants (green rooted plants- dark green cotyledons and true leaves) are scored 8 days later for kanamycin selection.

9. Carefully remove plants from the agar and transfer onto agar containg different inducing conditions.

GUS Protocol (fool-proof version)

Kirsten Bomblies, adapted from François Parcy's protocol

1. Harvest tissue and place in cold 90% Acetone on ice.This should stay on ice until all samples are harvested. For sample containers, eppendorf tubes and glass scintillation vials work well. 

2. When all samples are harvested, place at room temperature for 20 minutes.

3. Remove acetone from the samples, and add staining buffer on ice.

4. Add X- Gluc to the staining buffer to a final concentration of 2mM - from a 100mM stock solution of X-Gluc in DMF- this must be kept in the dark at -20°C . 

5. Remove staining buffer from samples and add staining buffer with X-Gluc on ice. 

6. Infiltrate the samples under vacuum, on ice, for 15 to 20 minutes. Release the vacuum slowly and verify that all the samples sink. If they don't, infiltrate again until they all sink to the bottom when the vacuum is released.

7. Incubate at 37°C (I usually do it overnight, but it depends on transgene strength. It is not advisable from my experience to go too long (over two days) as the tissue seems to begin deteriorating during long incubations.

8. Remove samples from incubator and remove staining buffer. Go through an Ethanol series in which samples are incubated successively in 20%, 35% and 50% ethanol at room temperature for 30 minutes each. 

9. Incubate in FAA (recipe below) for 30 minutes at room temperature to fix the tissue.

10. Remove FAA and add 70% ethanol. At this point the tissue can be stored at 4°C for long periods, or examined under the microscope

Solutions for GUS staining:

Staining Buffer (final concentrations):

(make at time of use, do not prepare ahead of time)

0.2% Triton X-100

50mM NaHPO4 Buffer (pH7.2)

2mM Potassium Ferrocyanide

2mM Potassium Ferricyanide

Water to volume

note: higher ferri and ferrocyanide concentrations give lower overall staining level, but more specificity. 2mM works well for most applications, but the concentrations may need to be adjusted for certain needs.

Stock solutions that can be made ahead of time:

10% Triton X-100

0.5M NaHPO4 Buffer (pH7.2)

100 mM Potassium Ferrocyanide (Store in the dark at 4°C)

100mM Potassium Ferricyanide (Store in the dark at 4°C)

100mM X-Gluc (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl ß-D-glucuronide cyclohexamine salt) in DMF

FAA (can be made ahead and stored at room temperature)

50% Ethanol

5% Formaldehyde

10% acetic acid

water to volume