Blood plates

Scientific Teaching Internship

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Course Description
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Lab Section Information


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BSCI348U: 3credits.
Instructor: Ann C. Smith MICB1133B 301.405.4558

This course was designed to support the Undergraduate Teaching Assistants of General Microbiology (BSCI223). Discussions include both theoretical and practical aspects of the UTA mission of BSCI223.

UTA Mission:
For BSCI 223: to support the active learning initiative of BSCI 223. Engage students in learning; provide feedback to students through questions, conversations, discussion both face to face and online. Serve as mentors. Serve to bring the Abig picture@ of course goals to the student. Support the technology needs of the course (image capture, web page design support, on line discussion support).

For the UTA: to develop skills that will be valuable in a future career in the sciences. These will include skills in communication both on-line and face to face,  leadership as you serve as a peer mentor, coach, role model, self confidence in sharing what you know and what you do not know, and specific skills and knowledge/understanding of  relevant to microbiology and scientific research.

Course Registration by Permission of the Instructor. Students who have completed BSCI223 with a grade of A and a grade point average of 3.0 will receive priority. Other relevant qualifications include completion of advanced courses in microbiology, and interest in research or teaching, as well as availability to attend lab section meetings. (UTA's are not expected to attend BSCI223 lecture)
Each Fall and Spring information meetings will be held regarding persmission to participate. Watch for announcements on LifeLink or contact Dr. Smith via email at using the subject BSCI348U.
maintained by A.Smith
last update January 25, 2004