Microbiology Resources

The main purpose of this page is to provide a secondary level of microbiology resources for students in microbiology courses and even instructors of those courses. Below are a few links as a starting point. Sending contributions and comments, and additional resources in the form of links, advise, etc are welcome to the Webmaster .

History of Microbiology

Significant events of the last 125 years - American Society for Microbiology

Antonie van Leeuwnehoek site - University of California Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology

Edward Jenner page - University of South Carolina

Joseph Lister page - San Jose State University

Institut Pasteur

General Microbiology in the Public

American Society for Microbiology - National

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Microbiology News and Links

National Center for Infectious Diseases

Environmental Protection Agency Microbiology Home Page

Microbe Zoo

Cells Alive!




 Research or Analysis

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